The People are Waking Up

Much has been said about Wikileaks, etc. The people who have something to hide have been vitriolic in their condemnation of the release of secret documents. Documents that have shown just how shady are the dealings of governments and military. Of course they don’t want their dirty laundry to be aired in public.

Politics and war are not pretty, they are dirty sordid affairs and if the people are aware of how dirty and sordid, then the politicians wouldn’t have a prayer of ever being reelected.

This is what it is really all about. Those in power want to stay in power.

Whistleblowing is about making politicians, and by virtue their military cronies, transparent as they should be.

The people of the world need Wikileaks to tell them the truth, because the politicians could lie straight in bed.

In more recent days, with the fall of Tripoli, the press is having a field day with the documents recovered from government offices. Documents that are far more damaging to the American and English than Wikileaks.

The documents recovered so far show that both American and English intelligence agencies (now there’s an oxymoron) colluded with the Libyan despot in many ways that are considered illegal and despicable.

Now the British Prime Minister is calling for an inquiry into the reported dealings, reported in the BBC News today. The agencies of both countries have been caught with their pants down and are back peddling like crazy in their embarrassment.

But the result of all this is the people are now beginning to see their governments for what they are.

Maybe with their eyes open a little further they will see that the conspiracy theorists are not so full of bullshit after all; that their governments are capable of anything, and I mean ANYTHING,  in the name of self-preservation, nothing at all to do with serving the people. Serving the people is not even on the agenda.

The sheeple have been following the leader blindly for too long; and that’s exactly what the governments want. As long as the sheeple are blind to what’s going on, the governments can do what they please.

Wikileaks, Libyan Files, etc are precisely what we need.

The politicians and military need to be brought back into line and serve the people; that’s what they were elected for.

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